CoalEX flotation reagents are a range of highly selective products that are very effective in the separation of coal from the associated ash constituents. Each product is the result of extensive test work and refinement, delivering the required outcome for various coal types and processes. High recoveries, lower ash and minimum cost-per-ton expenditures are just some the highly desirable properties of this range.
Product Details
The CoalEX program consists of frothers, collectors and promoters, and now additional products which are cost competitive with diesel where your budget is constrained.
CoalEX programs are designed:
• To be NOT classified as hazardous and dangerous goods
• To minimize carbon footprint
• To work over a wide pH range
• To work in all types of process water
• To be used in both conventional and column flotation cells
CoalEX programs are ideal for any application requiring optimum flotation kinetics to achieve maximum recovery. They are excellent for processes where recovery is not limited by downstream bottlenecks in concentrate dewatering. The multi-component collectors have been formulated to increase the contact angle of all coal surfaces, thus significantly improving oxidized coal recovery.