What is Your Pest Risk?
It is natural for pest risk to fluctuate throughout the year, so it's important to know the risks and be prepared to win the fight against pests. Find out your pest risk score for cockroaches, rodents, large flies and small flies for your area and industry by simply entering your zip code. This predictive tool, made in partnership with the University of Minnesota, shows the risk of a pest infestation in the next 30 days by using an algorithm that includes proprietary and non-proprietary data including weather patterns, demographics and geographic data.
Understand Your Pest Risk Score

Behind the Algorithm: Using Data-Driven Insights to Predict Pest Risk
Data-driven technology is transforming business everywhere and constantly providing new value to customers, but one industry where you might not expect it to be playing a vital role in is pest control. Ecolab developed an algorithm to predict pest risk in partnership with the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota (UMN). Learn more about the partnership, process and data to predict pest risk

Learn the Top Contributing Factors to Pest Risk

Pest Pressure Calendar
Pest pressure fluctuates throughout the year and varies by pest. This calendar gives a general pressure level by pest for each month of the year.