Horticulture Supplies for Cleaning and Disinfection
Horticulture plays an important role in food production and sustainability. In our support of people, planet and business health, Ecolab offers efficient, effective products to clean and disinfect greenhouse environments.
Prevention is key in the fight against viruses and bacteria. In addition to our products, Ecolab has experience and expertise in the horticulture industry that helps you be proactive about the health of your plants, fruits, vegetables and mushrooms.
Want to learn more about our horticulture supplies for cleaning and disinfection?
Greenhouse Horticulture

Plants, Fruits and Vegetables
Growing healthy plants, fruits and vegetables relies on cleaning and disinfecting everything in and around the greenhouse. Walls, tools and people's boots are just a few of the things that can contaminate greenhouse crops.

It is critical to clean and disinfect surfaces that come in contact with food as well as the bins where vegetables and fruits are being stored. The selection of cleaning and sanitizing agents can vary depending on the specific needs within a facility.

The foundation for cultivating healthy mushrooms is well-pasteurized compost and pure casing soil. By providing good spore filters, well sealed growing rooms and correct monitoring, growers should be able to keep chemical control agents to a minimum.
CID LINES, an Ecolab Company
Ecolab has strengthened our animal health offerings by acquiring CID LINES, a leading global provider of livestock biosecurity and hygiene solutions.

Greenhouse Biosecurity

Animal Health in Farming
Interested in animal farming? In addition to horticulture, Ecolab also has a full portfolio of offerings for pig, poultry and dairy farming, including proven solutions for barn hygiene, water disinfection, and transport cleaning and disinfection.